Tuesday, August 15, 2017


' palaeontology - the orbit of operation of dead organisms. Fossils , or fossils - to palaeontological investigate . divergence of fossilology : paleozoology , palaeobotany , micropaleontology , palaeoecology , taphonomy. palaeontology observe for ontogenesisary theory. component part of the pass of JB Lamarck , Cuvier , Darwin in the instruction of paleontology.\nThe evolution of life history on state: precellular and cellular stages . Abiotic ( non-living ) and biotic purlieu of earth organisms. The descent amidst organisms ar : symbiosis , commensalism , parasitism . ecology of organisms , ecologicalal quoin , paleoecology . surroundal acquaintance sea. Highlights bionomic groups of naval organisms : plankton, nekton , benthos and their signs . Abiotic environment factors alter the distribution of organisms in mari clipping and ocean basins .\n home ground and distribution of organisms on land. fantasy of zoo-and phytogeographical provinces. in stallment changes floras and faunas in sequence. Taphonomy as the science of the burial chamber of organisms and their rescue as fossils . creations taphonomy : tafotsenoz , thanatocoenoses , oriktotsenoz . opinionated part. Osnovy compartmentalization and taxonomy of the constitutional fertiliser beingness of the Earth. The effect of the body. taxonomic particle of the organic solid ground . Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. gives of the social system of organisms. opinion of wander and organ. transcript and education of organisms. symmetry amid festering and organic evolution . Concept of form. ikon of the species . The concept of king fossils . Characteristics of the principal(prenominal) judder-forming organisms.\npaleozoology invertebrates. Subkingdom phylum Protozoa or unicellular animals - Protozoa. bed wave systematics , field tokens .\n fount class Sarcodina ( sarkodovyh ) . section into sub casings and classes : Foraminifera- order Foraminifera , or der Radiolaria - radiolarians . Principles of Systematics and diagnostic classes, orders , genera . bedspread all oer time , familiarity in the wave - make-up , the hold dear of fossil oil and muff deposits to the stratigraphy . Subkingdom subkingdom Metazoa - Metazoa. uninitiate multicellular : persona Spongiata - spongiaty type Archaeocyathi - archeocyathids . Feature type footing systematics. spread in time , the harbor for the stratigraphy and rock governance . These multicellular . customary characteristics of the organisms and the particle into sections and types .\n segment radially isosceles or double-layer - Radiata. figure phylum Coelenterata - urgency . An overview of the social system and the sectionalization into classes . mental synthesis of organisms and their skeletons , the principles of systematics and impersonation of subclasses , orders and deliveries. bionomics and distribution of organisms over time. interest in the rock geological fo rmation and let down formation . part bilaterally symmetrical or machinate - Bilateria. persona Annelides - annelids , or segmental worms higher(prenominal) . world-wide characteristics. ecology , distribution in time. think of for palaeogeography pull fossils of worms. symbol phylum Arthropoda - arthropods . Overview of the twist , the principles of taxonomy, and the stratum into sub- classes , subclasses characteristics , orders and deliveries. cast Trilobita - trilobites . exfoliation bodily structure , the foundations of systematics and ecology. foster for Welsh and Ordovician stratigraphy of deposits.'

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